Wednesday, March 11, 2009


There are many reasons why I chose this topic. I feel like people in the project get looked down on and that’s not right. To me everyone should be treated equal. I mean that’s what people feel America is portrayed to be. The country that everyone loves. Little do outsiders know that America has it flaws. Everything that glitters isn't gold. What looks good on the outside isn't always good in the inside. Don’t get me wrong I love my country but i feel that something’s just aren’t handled correctly. The government to me looks down on those who stay in the projects. When violence takes place it takes umpteen minutes before authorities are even contacted if ever called. If is takes that long for police to be called I could just imagine how long it takes for them to show up. People who live in the city and suburbs get attention quickly like they are placed above others. I live in the suburbs so people just won’t think I’m saying this because I stay in the projects. I want to know want to know what makes people like me so special? Why are we placed on a petal stool? Why do is it that authorities check on us to make sure were that were ok before others? Are they afraid to go in certain areas? If you ask me I thought all of that came with their job title. Weren't they trained for that? Well, I mean difficult situations. I wonder If all the citizen that live in the project moved to a different area would they get better treatment? Sometimes I really want the government to walk in our shoes just see if they could survive. I strongly feel if the government took the time out to listen it to the people they could truly understand our hurts and pain personally.


  1. Danis,

    Your topic is really compelling because it public housing affects thousands of people. I'll be interested to read what your research will tell you about the history of public housing and how it developed. Good work.

  2. Danis aka "Dee",

    Your topic is compelling, and you raise several important questions. I completely agree that few people in our government have no idea what it takes to survive in the projects. In fact, I think that few people in our society have any idea whatsoever. I hope that you uncover some important research that will make a few more people really think about the importance of affordable housing.

  3. I meant to say few people in government have any idea of what it's truly like to live in the projects, and that most government leaders have no idea whatsoever. It is encumbent on us as their constituents to educate them.
